lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

ADELA (Spanish Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).

Date and place of founding: 1990 - El Escorial.

aims :
- To promote the group of affected people by the disease or of the people that are interested personally or professionally in it to work coordinated at the search of solutions; To sensitize the society on the devastating effects of this desease and to stimulate the public support to the search of solutions.
- To facilitate information, orientation, advice andsupport on the problems that the disease generates or of its consequences; to stimulate, to support and to finance investigations searching the reason, prevention and cure of the ALS.To cooperate with entities that have for object improve the quality of the persons' life with physical disability; To serve as national center of information about the ALS for the professionals of the health, patients, relatives, institutions and media.

José Carlos Castillo

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