martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

Medecins Sans Frontiers

Date and place of creation: 1971

Aims: It was created by a small group of French doctors in the aftermath of the Biafra secession, who believed that all people have the right to medical care regardless of race, religion, creed or political affiliation, and that the needs of these people supersede respect for national borders.
The organization actively provides health care and medical training to populations in more than 60 countries, and frequently insists on political responsibility in conflict zones such as Chechnya and Kosovo. Only once in its history, during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, has the organization called for military intervention.
Rafa Fajardo

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009


Aims: The creation of shelters and residential development for children with problems, serious disease, etc.

Web Page =>

Patricia Canino Acosta

The Red Cross

Date and place of founding: 1863 Geneva, Switzerland.

Aims: Protect the life and dignity of the victims of international and internal armed conflicts.

Moulud Labrass and Manolo Cabrera

WWF Adena

Place and date of foundation: In 1961 (but I don't know where) and in Spain in 1968.

Aims: Nature Conservation.


Veterinarios sin fronteras

DATE OF FOUNDING .- 1987 in Barcelona.

AIMS-To help the farmers to improve the productivity of their cattle and to obtain a greater economic yield of its work.

Sara Alexia

World Vision

Date of register: July 2001.
Place of foundation: Spain.

Aims: Serving and helping the poor in nearly 100 countries around the world.

Paulo Correa

KCOC - Korean NGO Council for overseas cooperation.

Place of foundation: Korea.

Aims: To exchage information and cooperate with NGO's to implement their assistance programmes in developing countries and to enhance national prestige and contribute to the world peace for humankind.

Jeon Hwa

Conservation International

Date and place of founding: 1987 - Washington DC

Aims: Its objective is to preserve the earth living natural heritage, our global biodiversity and to show that human societies are able to live harmoniously with nature. It works in more than 45 countries, primarily in developing nations.

Raquel Torres

Global Action for children

Date of creation: September 2003.

Aims: GAC works to increase and ensure that all the children have the health care, education, food and protection they need to grow up safe.

Stefanía Valle

ADELA (Spanish Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).

Date and place of founding: 1990 - El Escorial.

aims :
- To promote the group of affected people by the disease or of the people that are interested personally or professionally in it to work coordinated at the search of solutions; To sensitize the society on the devastating effects of this desease and to stimulate the public support to the search of solutions.
- To facilitate information, orientation, advice andsupport on the problems that the disease generates or of its consequences; to stimulate, to support and to finance investigations searching the reason, prevention and cure of the ALS.To cooperate with entities that have for object improve the quality of the persons' life with physical disability; To serve as national center of information about the ALS for the professionals of the health, patients, relatives, institutions and media.

José Carlos Castillo

Children's villages SOS

Date of founding : In 1949.

•Place of foundation : It was founded in the small Austrian city of Imst to offer to children orphaned and left a home in familiar surroundings.

•Aims : To offer the children familiar surroundings, a stable home and a solid formation to give them a promising and safe future. We adopt a familiar model of universal character, whose content is defined by the social and cultural characteristics of each country.

Priscilla Alaniz

Jóvenes del tercer mundo (JTM)

DATE OF FOUNDING: This ONG emerges as association by a group of old salesianos students in 1988. It was really transformed into a true ONG in 2000.


AIMS: committed to educating young people in the poorest countries through cooperation projects that impact on training.

Edgar Cabrera

Global Humanitaria

Date of founding: 1998
Place of foundation: Colombia
Aims: Global Humanitaria's goal is to protect children rights. This organization helps these countries: Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, Bolivia, Nicaragua, India, Cambodia, Nepal, Malawi and Costa de marfil.




Its main objective is to ensure the welfare of children in the world and safeguard their right to survival in an environment conducive to achieving a healthy and stable development. Through its extensive network deployment in developing countries and in the context of national development goals, UNICEF is implementing, together with governments, local communities and other partners, programs in health, nutrition, education , and sanemiento water, environment, women in development and other areas of importance for the child.

Help in Action

Date of founding: In 1981

Places with projects: Asia and pacifico, South America, Center America, Latin America, Caribe and Africa.

Aims: To inprove the life of the children and their families and finish with poverty thanks to projects, developments and activities.
Himar Quesada García 3ºB
I.E.S. La Minilla


Date and place of founding: 1980, Cataluña

· solidarity program
· prevention programs for health
· work permit for immigrants

Nichel Quesada García
I.E.S. La Minilla

Hands together

Date and place of founding: 1986, state of Pennsylvania
Aims: To help the poor in Haiti and the local community of Easton, PA. The driving force behind all of Hands Together's efforts is the Catholic Social teaching Structure.
A long-term community of U.S. volunteers helps with the administration and management of the Haiti projects.


Date and place of constitution: 1971, Vancouver - Canada
Aims: To defend and protect the enviroment; they lead campaigns to stop the global warming, keep the biodiversity, reduce pollution and finish with the use of nuclear energy and weapons.
To change attitudes and behaviours to protect and preserve the enviroment and to promote peace.

Fernando Acosta, Brian Cabeza, Jon Choi, Andrea Morales and Borja Castellano